Municipal Services
Municipal Office and Information
Municipal Services
The municipality of Thorne offers a variety of services and is able to answer questions and address concerns and inquiries during business hours.
The office hours are as follows: (as of April 1st, 2019)
Regular Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday
9 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 4 pm
The office is located at 775 Route 366, Ladysmith (Thorne), Quebec.
The municipal office can also be reached:
Phone: 819-647-3206
Fax: 819-647-2086
Email: thorne@mrcpontiac.qc.ca
Bylaw Officer

Payment of Taxes
All property taxes can be paid directly at the Municipal office during business hours, on-line in most financial institutions or can be sent by mail to the Municipal office at:
By Mail
Municipality of Thorne office
775 Route 366,
Ladysmith (Thorne), Quebec
J0X 2A0
Payments online are available with the following Banks:
National Bank
Royal Bank
Laurentian Bank
Caisse Populaire
E-transfers are now available. Please sent to thorne@mrcpontiac.qc.ca
For a receipt, please include a stamped self addressed envelope.
Please notify the Municipal Office of any change of address, complete the detachable coupon with the Notice of Assessment or send us an email.
Cheques or money orders must be made payable to the Municipality of Thorne. All late payments received after April 1st bear interest of 12% per annum. A $45.00 administration fee will be added to all returned cheques.
Building Permits and Zoning and Planning
Before any building, renovation or new construction project may be started within the boundaries of the Municipality of Thorne, it must conform to the zoning by-laws of our municipality. A building permit is required for all construction and renovations on your property both indoors and out. Apply for the building permit at least 30 days prior to the start date of your project. No construction (this means any type of work including the cutting of trees or shrubs or putting sand on the beach) of any kind is to take place within 50 feet from the high water mark of a lake or watercourse. This 50 foot strip must remain in its original state. Failure to comply with this law will result in punitive action. This applies to all residents of Thorne.
Further clarification and information on these bylaws can by obtained by e-mail, phone, fax or in person during business hours.
Road Department
Questions or concerns about any road in the Municipality of Thorne can be directed to the Municipal Office by e-mail, in person during business hours or by phone at 819-647-3206.
In case of emergencies: Rick Leders: (819) 635-8713.
Questions and concerns can also be put in writing and mailed to:
Municipality of Thorne office
775 Route 366,
Ladysmith (Thorne), Quebec
J0X 2A0
Animal Control Officer
The dog catcher is available Monday to Friday, from 8am to 5pm at 819-665-8333.
After 5pm and on weekends, citizens are to call the SQ.